I AM THINKING again about death after hearing the sudden gone of Adjie Massaid. The news recalls me that death can come any time to any people, even if you are a rising politician, a healthy and wealthy guy. The angel will not consider any situation in doing his job.
I am asking myself, am I ready to meet my God when the time is coming? From what I know, the journey to meet HIM is not easy. I have to meet troubles with various levels of difficulties, depends much on my kindness and sincerity. What a pity if I know later on that the weight of kindness I did during my life is light, or God might decide to give no reward at all for me. It can happen because sometimes I feel pretty satisfied with myself as if the kindness I did is worthwhile enough.

The sources of my worry are also my mom, dad, brothers and sister, husband and children. Can they help themselves? Can my sons take care of themselves and hold Islamic values as strong as what I want them to? Who will remind them about praying, fasting, doing charity, etc when I no longer exist in the world? I am aware that it is not easy to keep the faith right now. The temptation to break it is so tantalizing. Indeed, when I am dead, I will be released from the duty to guide my family. But I will be very sad to see them walking in the wrong path. I want to have my family, -all of them- with me in heaven.
I do hope that Allah will accept all kindness I did and ignore my sins. Would HE consider my love to HIM in return? If it is not too much, I also hope that HE will allow my family to join me in heaven. Can I?
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