Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia
wonderful life starts from a wonderful heart

4 November 2010

No Easy Way

I came to Balitbangda with a mountain of hopes and optimisms. In my mind, this new place would fulfill the emptiness I felt during my career period in Disnak Keswan. But one month here already kills my hope one by one. It’s not easy to reach what I dream of. I am surrounded by hopeless people. They don’t know the real aim of working in Balitbangda.

Yet, some of them are cunning. Their position is just to enrich themselves. Only a few have commitment to develop their careers as capable researchers. No wonder the circumstance here makes me ‘difficult to breath’.

I am aware that some of these people look at me suspiciously. Hey, people…Are you afraid of my grabbing your position? You know what friends, I have left a prestigious position in Disnak. If I want your position and Allah The Almighty decides that too, I will get it. So please be nice to me! Don’t look down on me!.

Today our proposal (the group of ignored researchers) aimed at getting small fund was rejected. Actually the fund was meant to pay experts who would be invited to enlarge our horizones in many fields of study. He (the head of something) didn’t give any prospect at all and considered it as unimportant. How come he didn’t understand our arguments? How can we develop our profesionalism well if there is no input for our brain?

I am asking my self, why it’s so hard to sacrifice a little fund to support this program? It’s only Rp3 millions. I really don’t understand what the hell is wrong with this office and its people. They funded hundred millions rupiah for reasearch project that is not clear yet the outcome, but dismissed a program for enhancing researcher’s quality.

They don’t understand that Balitbangda needs qualified researchers. Without it, this institution will be ruined. Now the last hope is only on our new boss, the head of Balitbangda. Allah, give him a bit of YOUR light so he can lead us to get out of this darkness.

My life is not easy. Indeed it is. YOU have promised that the patient one will get happiness at the end. So, i am going to get through it patiently.

2 komentar:

  1. Alhamdulillah ternyata masih ada orang seperti Ibu yang komitmen buat kota kelahiran saya :).

    hmm... saya bisa merasakan beratnya.
    Tetap semangat Bu. InsyaAlloh niat baik ga akan sia-sia.

    salam kenal,
